Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Summer Swap!!!

So a few weeks ago one of my favorite bloggers Flip Flops & Combat Boots announced she was going to host a blog summer swap! There was a 20$ limit not including shipping. I am always reluctant to do swaps because I'm a scardy cat... but I also LOVE them because its a way to connect with bloggers all over the world and it really helps create friendship rather then just a behind the scenes blog creeper status. Don't get me wrong people I am totally that creeper sometimes so scared to comment or get in touch with some people. I was VERY lucky to be partnered with Mel over at Head in the Game, Heart in the sand.

She was very creative and emailed me this super cute survey, so of course I replied with one. Once we talked and I got her survey I could totally see myself sitting in the hills of Colorado drinking a glass of wine with this lady (well once little Skyler is evicted). She seems like the type of person I could be -real life- friends if only the cool ones didn't live across country? Huh? Well I am not going to keep on talking about her YOU GO READ HER blog and learn to love her, because she is awesome! Mel :]

(sorry for the crap IPhone pic & that's my work Target bedding don't judge)

So what was in my package you may ask?!
Laffy Taffys (which didn't last long)
An Old Navy reusable bag. I don't know how she knew I use these like they are going out of style.
The most amazing lip gloss (MEL where did you get it?!)
RED nail polish... I love red. Its my favorite color, its classy on your nails its fun & professional!
(I totally got her a reddish nail polish too - told ya we can be real friends)
A little card holder. I don't have my own cards - but I'm using it for my cards that don't fit in my wallet but still carry around.
Two cute pens (the guys at work wont steal these ones!)
Emery boards & a perfume sample
+ a cute note.

I love everything in it and THANK YOU SO MUCH MEL! The gifts were amazing and I really hope you liked the things I sent to you!

Tomorrow I am going to work on re-painting Skylers dresser any re-painting tips?!



  1. I love doing Nicole's Summer Swap. I have no idea how I got to her blog, but I love reading about the military and how people are affected by their military spouses schedules and how they cope. By doing her swap, I get to branch out my reading, and I love getting what people find for me. Plus, I really like putting packages together. I hope you had fun in this swap and thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Wendy W

  2. I'm glad you loved it - and I definitely agree that we could enjoy some wine and nail painting while overlooking the mountains! I really enjoyed meeting you and look forward to a long-time friendship!! :)

  3. Oh, and I got the lip gloss at Bath & Body Works. They are a little expensive ($7.50, unless you get a BOGO deal) but I SWEAR by them! They have all sorts of colors, some minty flavored, others lemon. Check it out if you really love it!

  4. Great package!!! Thanks for playing along! :)
